During my work in Marimba Plus project I have learned the discipline - in its highest sense. When any sound, nuance, stroke, dynamic shade are strictly subordinate to the artistic intent and have a justification. When "louder", "quieter", "more transparent", "gradually slowing down" are not just words - they dictate certain things, and the result sometimes can be almost tangible. When you have to weave your part into the parts of other instruments (and this is a large team of musicians), the ensemble playing is the most important skill or art you need to master. When there is no “me”, there’s only “us”. All these elements worked magically - the music came to life, breathed and sparkled with colours. In many ways, it all happened thanks to Leo Slepner - the founder and composer of the band, an outstanding musician and leader. Playing in one of the best world-music fusion bands was a unique experience and a challenge to myself, and I highly appreciate it.